

独家:West Broad Village会所以及业主访谈


本周,RLRVA的编辑及摄影师WJ有幸被邀请到West Broad Village的私人会所进行内部探访,并且和在这里拥有一间排房的业主Rebecca进行了简短的访谈。

访谈之前,RLRVA在此为您提供独家的shopping利器:Short Pump地区的购物地图!



WJ: 请问您是在什么时候入住West Broad Village?

Rebecca: 我在2016年11月的时候搬进来。我通过汪禾房地产公司(Sarah Bice & Associates Real Estates LLC)在这里购买了一栋排屋。我非常喜欢这里,在这里置业是一个明智的选择!

WJ您选择West Broad Village的原因有哪些?

Rebecca: 很多。主要原因是因为这里居住方便,同时小区环境优秀。我们都知道West Broad Village十分适合购物及日常通勤,我完全同意这一点。我喜欢全食超市(编者注:Whole Foods,小区内一间著名的高端有机食品超市),因为它提供了大量健康的饮食选择。


Rebecca: 我还想加入我的亲身体验,来证明这里的生活方便不仅在于购物,同时还在很多细节上,特别是这里的房屋维护及物业服务。在搬来West Broad Village之前,我住在Short Pump附近的Wyndham区域,拥有一间独栋的家庭房屋。这房屋有不少家居及庭院维护的需求,然后这些需求及相关工作都要我自己来做,每次都让我劳累不堪。搬进了West Broad Village后,我就再也不用担心各种繁琐的房屋维护事务了!这里的HOA(编者注:Homeowner Association,小区业主协会,类似于国内的物业管理机构)会负责各项房屋维护工作,包括庭院打理,外墙维护,车道清洁,屋顶维修等,以及更多。如今我有更多的时间来陪伴我的家人,我的狗,以及我自己。还有,这个小区的窗户都是防紫外线的,而且每家每户都安装有灭火系统。


Rebecca: 对的。

WJ: 这里的管理模式还和中国国内的酒店式公寓挺像的啊,同时还有更好的业主隐私。

Rebecca: 对的。



Rebecca: 会的!我大多数的周末,以及放假的时候都待在这里。这里的公园及人行道十分安静,漂亮和干净。我非常喜欢我的狗,我每天都带他去散步。在West Broad Village这里,我能够非常安心地遛狗。和里士满市区相比,这里车更少,空气也更好(编者注:这些对人和狗都是好的)。这里的社区活动很有趣也很丰富,我们有夏天音乐节以及露天电影,而且小区马上就要举办一个艺术博览会。


WJ: 您喜欢这里的房屋设计吗?

Rebecca: 喜欢。我最喜欢这里的房子的室外设计。它们十分有格调,同时比较高端和独特。这里的庭院和屋前后花园都非常漂亮!我也喜欢房子的室内设计。室内本身就带有高档偏豪华的装横风格,然后我自己也可以不停地更新升级家具,让室内更偏向我自己的喜好。

WJ: 您经常在West Broad Village购物和吃饭吗?

Rebecca: 对的。我主要就在小区内以及附近购物,我去的地方包括Whole Foods,Petco(宠物店),Sweet Frog(甜品店),以及Short Pump购物中心。我也去周边区域的一些商场,包括Bestbuy,亚洲超市,Costco,和China Star团购店。这里附近有很多很好的餐馆,特别是Peter Chang(中餐)和Maggiano’s(意大利风格)。


WJ: 您会把West Broad Village推荐给潜在的家庭置业业主吗?

Rebecca: 会的。这里的房子特别适合两个人居住,或者是中小型的家庭。

WJ: 您会把West Broad Village推荐给中国国内买家吗?

Rebecca: 会的。这里有几栋房子已经被国内业主购置了。他们基本上把这里的房子当成度假房,夏天或放假的时候才来住一到三个月,平时委托专人打理,也不出租,保养得很好!

WJ: 您对于您在汪禾房地产公司的购房经历满意吗?

Rebecca: 非常满意,五星品价!他们十分专业,同时全心全意为顾客服务,关怀到每一个细节!汪禾房地产公司始终把客户的全然满意放在第一位,作为买家我十分欣慰!他们同时还提供中文购房服务,这对于华人以及国内买家都是非常有帮助的!



Exclusive: West Broad Village Clubhouse & Homeowner Interview

The pool in the clubhouse, with townhouses in the background.

The pool in the clubhouse, with townhouses in the background.

This week, RLRVA editor WJ was invited into the private clubhouse in West Broad Village, and had an interview with homeowner Rebecca, who lives in one of the townhouses here.

Before the interview, we share something special with you: RLRVA's recently-acquired shopping map in Short Pump area :)

Rebecca, homeowner, has taken this stunning photo of the community.

Rebecca, homeowner, has taken this stunning photo of the community.

WJ: When did you move to West Broad Village?

Rebecca: I moved in at November 2016, I bought a townhouse in this community from Sarah Bice & Associates Real Estates LLC. I really enjoy living in here!

WJ: What are the reasons for you to choose West Broad Village?

Rebecca: The main reasons I choose West Broad Village are the living convenience, and the community’s environment. We all know that West Broad Village is great for shopping and daily commute, and I totally agree. I like Whole Foods (Editor’s note: the high-end organic grocery store located inside the community) a lot, because it provides healthy food.

Clubhouse entrance.

Rebecca: And what I want to add to my statement is, the convenience is also in many details, especially in house maintenance. I used to live in a family house in Wyndham area near Short Pump, and that house has a lot of home and yard maintenances. I need to do all those by myself, which exhausted me every time. In here West Broad Village, I don’t need to worry about all those things, HOA (Editor’s note: Homeowner Association) does it, they take care of the yard, the exterior paints, the driveway cleaning, rooftop repairs, and many other things. Now I have more time to spend with my family, my dog, and myself! They have also installed UV protection windows and fire extinguish systems in every house.

WJ: So that means there are many nice design details that contribute to the living quality here?

Rebecca: Yes.

WJ: Also based on your experience, West Broad Village is kind of like those served apartments in big cities.

Rebecca: Yes, but with more privacy and flexibility.

The luxury central hall in the clubhouse.

WJ: How about the environment? Do you spend your weekend and recreational time in west broad village?

Rebecca: Yes, I spend most of my time here when not working and in the weekend. The parks and sidewalks are quite, beautiful and clean. I love my dog and I walk him everyday, and I feel safer to walk my dog here compared to the city, also less traffic and cleaner air. The community activities are nice and fun, we have summer concerts and movie nights, there is also an art fair happening soon.

The family theatre, indoor gym, and children's playroom in the clubhouse.

WJ: Do you like the house design here?

Rebecca: Yes. I like the exteriors most, they are stylish, high-end and unique. The courtyards and gardens are also beautiful. The interiors are nice too, they come with affordable high-end styles and classes, and you can always update them at your wish.

WJ: Do you shop and eat in West Broad Village often?

Rebecca: Yes, I shop here a lot, mainly Whole Foods, Petco, Sweet Frog, and Short Pump Town Center. Also the nearby stores, like Bestbuy, Asian Market, and Costco. There are many nice restaurants and bars nearby too, especially Peter Chang and Maggiano’s.

The party room, including a kitchen, a dining room, a pool table, and meeting areas.

WJ: Will you recommend west broad village to potential home buyers?

Rebecca: Yes, the houses here are perfect for couples and small to medium families.

WJ: Are you satisfied with your home buying experience with Sarah Bice & Associates Real Estate?

Rebecca: Yes, five star! They are professional, fully dedicated to customer satisfaction, and pay attention to every detail. They are also multi-cultural and multi-lingual, which helps me a lot!

Outdoor swimming pool and sun bathing area.


West Broad Village 商住社区

West Broad Village 社区里的豪华排房/联排别墅。

West Broad Village 社区里的豪华排房/联排别墅。

座落在Henrico行政区内,West Broad Village 是一个位于里士满市郊的半封闭式生活社区,集合了居住、购物和社交空间于一体。West Broad Village 社区推广高品质生活的理念,主要卖点在于便利的交通和购物,以及相对合理的豪华住宅售价。West Broad Village 紧邻I-64高速公路的178A出口,这条高速是连接里士满市区和Henrico居住区的通勤主干道。从West Broad Village 出发,到达里士满市区的任何地段只需要大概15-20分钟。West Broad Village 同时紧邻附近一个著名的开放式高端商场 Short Pump购物中心


West Broad Village 社区有一段曲折而丰富的历史。社区所在地原本是一个叫做Liesfeld Dairy Farm的奶牛牧场。Unicorp集团在2007年前后购买了这个牧场,打算开发一个全新的商住一体化社区。集团看中的是这一区域的潜力:位于一条日车流量达15万*的通勤高速的出入口旁边。West Broad Village 项目于2008年开工建设 — 很不幸地赶上了美国的经济及房地产衰退期。West Broad Village 的建设项目遭受了2008年经济危机的影响。这一项目不断地遇到债务和抵押上的挫折,让里士满本地居民对这一还在建设中的社区的前景产生了不少质疑。但是,这一项目的潜力和前景无容置疑。于是,在2009年,Markel | Eagle 地产集团以3200万美元的价格购买了这个接近竣工的社区,并且最终在2009年圣诞节时期成功地完成了社区的建设,将商铺和住宅推向市场。复活后的 West Broad Village 社区迅速地得到了房地产市场的高度正面评价。社区在2010年被里士满家居建设协会(Homebuilding Association of Richmond)评为“年度最佳社区”,以及被另一工商地产协会(Multi-family Pillar of the Industry)评为“年度最佳综合性社区”*。在之后几年,随着Aloft酒店,全食超市(Whole Foods),ERI,以及Bone Fish Grill等商店和餐饮业的进驻,让 West Broad Village 终于达到了项目最初的潜力和愿景。如今,West Broad Village 的房子仍然是里士满地区房地产市场最抢手的交易之一。



West Broad Village 是一个独特而现代化的商住一体社区。这一社区模式并不能在里士满的传统市区区域内实现,因为这些传统区域有很多都是按照着1737年里士满建城时的规划来建造的,直到当下依然如此。因此,West Broad Village 是里士满地区内为数不多的真正现代化的城市社区,更接近中国国内的城市模式,拥有和国内一些大型房地产商的楼盘相类似的结构(比如碧桂园在南方的楼盘)。West Broad Village 拥有三种主要的地产类型:个人拥有的排房(联排别墅),商业空间,以及用于出租的套间公寓。排房组成了 West Broad Village 社区居住区域的主体。这些排房的主要卖点在于它们拥有相对合理的价格**(和周边地区相比),同时位于一个设计精美,管理良好,设施高端,生活方便的社区。

West Broad Village 内保养良好的公园和草地。

West Broad Village 大多数的房屋带有前后花园。房屋一般为三层,总共带有三个卧室和三个浴室,适合两人或者是中小型的家庭居住。房屋的第一层通常带有一个办公室,一间次卧,洗衣房,双车车库,以及其他房屋设施;第二层一般容纳了厨房,吧台,客厅,饭厅和阳台;拥有高挑吊顶的第三次通常会放置两套主卧。和里士满市区内的很多旧式房屋不一样,West Broad Village 的排房拥有现代化的空间设计,提供了更优质的生活体验,更豪华的内饰,以及更好的光照和通风。

日落下的West Broad Village 社区, 这里是一个可以真正被称呼为家的地方。

West Broad Village 内还有一个私人会所,提供了社交活动场所,健身房,游泳池和露天日光浴场地。社区内同时有几片保养良好的公共草坪,两个大型的带有喷泉的人工湖,以及儿童活动场和花园等其他设施。社区入口的一片大草坪同时是夏季和秋季时候的时候举办音乐会的场地。社区内还有一个高端的有机食品超市全食(Whole Foods Grocery Market)。


如果您喜欢 West Broad Village 的环境和生活方式,并考虑购买该社区的房屋,您可以通过以下链接查询当前社区内是否有房屋出售:


排房室内样张 (来源: GreatRichmond.com)

The Resurrection of West Broad Village

** 通过比较 Henciro County的平均家庭收入和平均房价而得出的结论。

3950 Wild Goose Ln,
Glen Allen, VA 23060


(312) 798-5140




West Broad Village

Luxury townhouses in West Broad Village.

Luxury townhouses in West Broad Village.

Located in Henrico County, West Broad Village is a suburban community that combines living, shopping and social space together, with the community’s main selling point being the convenient and affordable luxury life style. West Broad Village is located right next to the exit 178A of I-64—the main commute highway that connects Richmond city and the suburban Henrico. Commuting from West Broad Village to downtown Richmond city takes around 15-20 minutes. The community is also less than a mile away from the famous open-air high-end shopping mall Short Pump Town Center

Well-designed townhouses and courtyards, with attention to every detail.

West Broad Village is built on the previous farmlands of Liesfeld Dairy Farm. The farm was originally purchased by Unicorp for residential development, who saw the land’s potential with 154,000 cars passing by daily*. The construction began in late 2008—unfortunately at the height of the national economy and real estate recession. The project suffered from the recession, and was burdened with debts and delays. Serious doubts about the community’s fate were raised among Richmonders. But the project’s potential is abundant and obvious. To resurrect the project, Markel | Eagle took over the then near-finish West Broad Village for about $32 million, and successfully finished the project at the Christmas of 2009. The resurrected community quickly gained highly positive market perceptions. West Broad Village was subsequently named “Community of the Year” by the Homebuilding Association of Richmond in 2010, and “Mixed-use Community of the Year” by Multi-family Pillar of the Industry*. In the following years, with the settling in of Aloft hotel, Whole Foods, REI, Bone Fish Grill and other retail stores and restaurants, West Broad Village has finally lived up to its original project vision and potential. Today, the townhouses in West Broad Village are still among the most sought-after ones in Richmond’s real estate market.

Sidewalk showered in golden sunlight.

Sidewalk showered in golden sunlight.

West Broad Village is a unique and contemporary community with mixed-use and density. This is not supported by the traditional zoning districts in Richmond city—with many districts' usage plans are dated back to the original city plan in 1737. Therefore, West Broad Village is one of the few truly modern communities around Richmond city. West Broad Village has three main types of properties: individually-owned townhouses, retail spaces, and high-end rental flat apartments. The townhouses make up the majority part of the community’s living area, and the main selling point for these houses is their relatively affordable price**, while locating in a well-designed, well-maintained neighborhood with world-class amenities and convenient, premium shopping. 

Open-field parks and gardens in West Broad Village, with well-maintained lawns.

Most of the townhouses come with front and back courtyards. The houses are three-floored with three bedrooms and three bathrooms, suitable for couples and small to medium families. The first floor usually contains an office, the third bedroom, laundry room, other in-house amenities, and a two-car garage; the second floor includes a large kitchen, countertops, living room, dining room, and an outdoor balcony; and the upstair third floor with cathedral ceilings is where two master bedrooms are located. Unlike many vintage houses in downtown Richmond, the townhouses in West Broad Village come with contemporary floor plans and designs, providing optimized living qualities, premium interiors, and well-considered lighting with ventilation.

Sunset in West Broad Village, rendering the breathtakingly beautiful and sweet homes.

A private club is located in the living area of West Broad Village, providing social space, a gym, a swimming pool and an outdoor sun bathing area. West Broad Village also comes with beautifully designed, open-field lawns, and two lakes with fountains. Other community facilities such as children’s playgrounds and gardens are also available. The large lawn in the community’s entrance also serves as the location for summer and autumn concerts. And as mentioned earlier, the community comes with its own premium retail shops, especially Whole Foods Grocery Market, providing healthy and convenient life styles.

The flat apartments, and shopping area.

If you love the lifestyle and the environment of West Broad Village and wish to live there, there might be houses available for sale now! You can check here for details:


Interior examples (source: GreatRichmond.com)

The Resurrection of West Broad Village

** By comparing the average household income and median house price in Henciro County.

Location (shopping area):
3950 Wild Goose Ln,
Glen Allen, VA 23060


(312) 798-5140




Shockoe Bottom城市社区

从Church Hill观望的里士满城市天际线,近处为Shockoe Bottom, 远处为市中心。

从Church Hill观望的里士满城市天际线,近处为Shockoe Bottom, 远处为市中心。

Shockoe Bottom是里士满市区内历史最悠久的区域之一,这里的街区肌理仍然在很大程度上保留了陆军上校William Mayo在1737年作的里士满城市规划。Shockoe Bottom在里士满市中心和Church Hill(直译“教堂山”)之间,沿着James River(詹姆斯河)分布。它是一个长条型的城市社区,并且是如今市区内一个富有活力的居住,餐饮和夜生活娱乐中心。

Shockoe Bottom区域内的一个loft工作室/住宅混合体的室内景。

Shockoe Bottom区域内的一个loft工作室/住宅混合体的室内景。

在历史上,Shockoe Bottom是里士满的交通,经济和工业枢纽。随着弗吉尼亚州的州府搬迁至里士满,这一区域在18世纪末期开始发展。很快,这里就变成了一个繁忙的城市交汇之处,融合了来自铁路,运河,城市和旧Mayo马车桥的交通。值得一提的是,旧Mayo马车桥如今仍有桥墩留存。这些桥墩就在现今的14街跨河大桥之下,并且可以在布朗岛(Browns Island)步行桥上观看。18到19世纪的Shockoe Bottom是里士满的烟草业中心,同时这里也在美国历史上的奴隶交易里扮演了重要地位,直到内战结速为止。奴隶贸易带来的利润催生了美国南部的富裕白人阶层,并推动了里士满的经济。在战前,市内的15街被誉为南方的华尔街。


和 ShockoeBottom沿河条带并排的铁路桥。

和 ShockoeBottom沿河条带并排的铁路桥。

在Main Street火车站旁边的公路/铁路混合立交桥。

在Main Street火车站旁边的公路/铁路混合立交桥。

然而,在1865年4月,里士满被北方联军收复的前夜,原来的Shockoe Bottom区域被彻底摧毁了。撤退的南方邦联军点燃了这里的烟草仓库,大火从Shockoe Bottom开始蔓延,最终烧毁了当年25%的里士满城区。Shockoe Bottom在战后被迅速重建,建成了大部分保存至今的历史城区。战后的Shockoe Bottom仍然是里士满乃至美国南部的烟草业及交通中心,同时附近的美国联邦政府机构也为这里的商业带来了多样性。在建筑学上说,战后重建的建筑大多数属于英式意大利风格和维多利亚风格的商业变种,进入20世纪初,这里也加入了装饰艺术风格的建筑。Shockoe Bottom的烟草业最终在1960年前后被废弃,社区一度萧条。它的重新激活则发生在1980年之后,由数个艺术馆牵头,包括如今的1708艺术馆和Artspace艺术中心。



如今,Shockoe Bottom的建筑主要用于饭店,零售商业,办公和居住的用途。近年来区内还增设了一个农贸市场。该区域仍然是里士满的休闲艺术区的一部分,它离现在的艺术中心Plant Zero很近,并且也拥有自己的阁楼式公寓(loft)和工作室式住宅(home studio)。一些旧的闲置烟草仓库仍然屹立在区域内,告诉着过往人流该地乃至整个里士满的多层历史印记。Shockoe Bottom如今有很多酒店式公寓,让其成为了一个便利而设施良好的城市居住区。这里也有不少出名的高品质餐馆,包括拥有河岸餐厅和酒吧的Boathouse at Rocketts Landing。其他出名餐馆包括Havana ‘59,Bottoms Up Pizza,River City Diner,Station 2,和Millie’s Diner等。Shockoe Bottom区域内的公共社区是一个运河公园。在这里,人们可以近距离参观城市的工业结构,尤其是那个火车站附近的著名的Shockoe Bottom五层立交桥 — 三条铁路和两条高速在此层叠,延伸到巨大的防洪墙的内外。新建筑和老建筑,殖民地风格和工业风格,大体量结构和小型空间,这些不同建筑风格的融合打造出Shockoe Bottom独特的空间美感。Shockoe Bottom同时也离Church Hill很近,在那里,人们可以观赏到整个里士满天际线的风光,包括了山上的一个微型自由女神像。

巨大的城市防洪墙,保护了Shockoe Bottom盘地和里士满市区不受詹姆斯河的周期性洪水的侵袭。





Shockoe Bottom

View of Shockoe Bottom and downtown Richmond from Church Hill.

View of Shockoe Bottom and downtown Richmond from Church Hill.

Shockoe Bottom is one of Richmond city’s oldest neighborhoods, as the street blocks and zonings remains largely identical to Colonel William Mayo's initial city plan of Richmond in 1737 . Shockoe Bottom locates between downtown Richmond and Church Hill, along the James River, creating a long slip riverside neighborhood. Today, the area is a bustling hub for city living, cuisine and nightlife.

A loft in Shockoe Bottom.

A loft in Shockoe Bottom.

Historically, Shockoe Bottom was a main transportation hub for Richmond city. The traffics, combining with the location, have established the area as the city's industrial and commercial center. Shockoe Bottom began developing in the late 18th century following the move of the state capital to Richmond. Soon the neighborhood became the busy intersection of railways, river and canal traffics, and city roads, including the old Mayo’s bridge. This wagon and pedestrian bridge was a key feature contributing to the neighborhood's thriving. And today, its remaining piers are still sitting next to the modern 14 Street bridge, which can be observed from Browns Island city park. Shockoe bottom was the center of Richmond’s and southern America's tobacco industry, It also played a major role in slavery in the United States before the end of the Civil War. Profits from the slave trades fueled the creation of wealth for Southern whites and drove the economy in Richmond, leading 15th Street to be known as "Wall Street of the South" before the war.


Railway alongside the Shockoe slip.

Railway alongside the Shockoe slip.

The mixed intersection of highways and railways near Main Street Train Station.

The mixed intersection of highways and railways near Main Street Train Station.

However, the original Shockoe Bottom was completely destroyed on the eve of the fall of Richmond to the Union Army in April 1865. The evacuating Confederate forces set fire to the tobacco warehouses. The fire spread from Shockoe Bottom, eventually destroyed 25% of the whole Richmond city. Shockoe Bottom was quickly rebuilt after the war, forming much of its present historic building stock. It was still the center of tobacco industry and railway intersections, while its proximity to many downtown federal government buildings also added diversity to the business. Architecturally, many of the buildings constructed during the rebuilding period are a commercial variant of the Italianate style. Coming to 19th and early 20th century, Art Deco and Victorian style buildings were added. The tobacco industry was eventually abandoned in the 1960s, followed by the decades-long decline of this ares. Shockoe Bottom was revitalization in the 1980s, lead by the stationing of several art galleries—incluidng what would be today’s 1708 Gallery and Artspace.  


Many historical tobacco warehouses and Art Deco style buildings are converted to lofts.

Today, the buildings in Shockoe Bottom are primarily restaurants, shops, offices, and apartments. A farmer’s market was also built in recent years. Shockoe Bottom is still part of the city’s recreational and creative area, being closed to Plant Zero—the current art center near downtown across James River. Some old unused tobacco warehouse still remains, reminding the passenger’s about the area’s and Richmond city’s history. Shockoe Bottom now has many high-end lofts, studios, and serviced apartments, making it a convenient and well-developed spot for urban living. This area also hosts several finest restaurants of the city, including the Boathouse at Rocketts Landing—featuring waterfront dinings and bars, as well as Havana ‘59, Bottoms Up Pizza, River City Diner, Station 2, and Millie’s Diner. A canal city park was added in the 1990s after the completion of the city's floor wall. In this highlighted area, people can walk around the old canals and admire the city's industrial and transportation complexes, especially the famous five-deck traffic intersection near the Main Street Train Station, This intersection has three railways and two highways, spreading inside and outside the massive concrete flood walls. The mix between old and new, colonial and industrial, massive and delicate, gives this area a unique architectural aesthetic. Shockoe Bottom is also close to Church Hill, another historical, well-maintained and charming neighbourhood, where one can observe the whole downtown Richmond city alongside with the unique miniature Statue of Liberty.


The floor wall that keeps Shockoe Bottom basin and Richmond downtown safe from Jame River's periodical flooding.


More Images: Shockoe Bottom streets and restaurants