

独家:West Broad Village会所以及业主访谈


本周,RLRVA的编辑及摄影师WJ有幸被邀请到West Broad Village的私人会所进行内部探访,并且和在这里拥有一间排房的业主Rebecca进行了简短的访谈。

访谈之前,RLRVA在此为您提供独家的shopping利器:Short Pump地区的购物地图!



WJ: 请问您是在什么时候入住West Broad Village?

Rebecca: 我在2016年11月的时候搬进来。我通过汪禾房地产公司(Sarah Bice & Associates Real Estates LLC)在这里购买了一栋排屋。我非常喜欢这里,在这里置业是一个明智的选择!

WJ您选择West Broad Village的原因有哪些?

Rebecca: 很多。主要原因是因为这里居住方便,同时小区环境优秀。我们都知道West Broad Village十分适合购物及日常通勤,我完全同意这一点。我喜欢全食超市(编者注:Whole Foods,小区内一间著名的高端有机食品超市),因为它提供了大量健康的饮食选择。


Rebecca: 我还想加入我的亲身体验,来证明这里的生活方便不仅在于购物,同时还在很多细节上,特别是这里的房屋维护及物业服务。在搬来West Broad Village之前,我住在Short Pump附近的Wyndham区域,拥有一间独栋的家庭房屋。这房屋有不少家居及庭院维护的需求,然后这些需求及相关工作都要我自己来做,每次都让我劳累不堪。搬进了West Broad Village后,我就再也不用担心各种繁琐的房屋维护事务了!这里的HOA(编者注:Homeowner Association,小区业主协会,类似于国内的物业管理机构)会负责各项房屋维护工作,包括庭院打理,外墙维护,车道清洁,屋顶维修等,以及更多。如今我有更多的时间来陪伴我的家人,我的狗,以及我自己。还有,这个小区的窗户都是防紫外线的,而且每家每户都安装有灭火系统。


Rebecca: 对的。

WJ: 这里的管理模式还和中国国内的酒店式公寓挺像的啊,同时还有更好的业主隐私。

Rebecca: 对的。



Rebecca: 会的!我大多数的周末,以及放假的时候都待在这里。这里的公园及人行道十分安静,漂亮和干净。我非常喜欢我的狗,我每天都带他去散步。在West Broad Village这里,我能够非常安心地遛狗。和里士满市区相比,这里车更少,空气也更好(编者注:这些对人和狗都是好的)。这里的社区活动很有趣也很丰富,我们有夏天音乐节以及露天电影,而且小区马上就要举办一个艺术博览会。


WJ: 您喜欢这里的房屋设计吗?

Rebecca: 喜欢。我最喜欢这里的房子的室外设计。它们十分有格调,同时比较高端和独特。这里的庭院和屋前后花园都非常漂亮!我也喜欢房子的室内设计。室内本身就带有高档偏豪华的装横风格,然后我自己也可以不停地更新升级家具,让室内更偏向我自己的喜好。

WJ: 您经常在West Broad Village购物和吃饭吗?

Rebecca: 对的。我主要就在小区内以及附近购物,我去的地方包括Whole Foods,Petco(宠物店),Sweet Frog(甜品店),以及Short Pump购物中心。我也去周边区域的一些商场,包括Bestbuy,亚洲超市,Costco,和China Star团购店。这里附近有很多很好的餐馆,特别是Peter Chang(中餐)和Maggiano’s(意大利风格)。


WJ: 您会把West Broad Village推荐给潜在的家庭置业业主吗?

Rebecca: 会的。这里的房子特别适合两个人居住,或者是中小型的家庭。

WJ: 您会把West Broad Village推荐给中国国内买家吗?

Rebecca: 会的。这里有几栋房子已经被国内业主购置了。他们基本上把这里的房子当成度假房,夏天或放假的时候才来住一到三个月,平时委托专人打理,也不出租,保养得很好!

WJ: 您对于您在汪禾房地产公司的购房经历满意吗?

Rebecca: 非常满意,五星品价!他们十分专业,同时全心全意为顾客服务,关怀到每一个细节!汪禾房地产公司始终把客户的全然满意放在第一位,作为买家我十分欣慰!他们同时还提供中文购房服务,这对于华人以及国内买家都是非常有帮助的!



Exclusive: West Broad Village Clubhouse & Homeowner Interview

The pool in the clubhouse, with townhouses in the background.

The pool in the clubhouse, with townhouses in the background.

This week, RLRVA editor WJ was invited into the private clubhouse in West Broad Village, and had an interview with homeowner Rebecca, who lives in one of the townhouses here.

Before the interview, we share something special with you: RLRVA's recently-acquired shopping map in Short Pump area :)

Rebecca, homeowner, has taken this stunning photo of the community.

Rebecca, homeowner, has taken this stunning photo of the community.

WJ: When did you move to West Broad Village?

Rebecca: I moved in at November 2016, I bought a townhouse in this community from Sarah Bice & Associates Real Estates LLC. I really enjoy living in here!

WJ: What are the reasons for you to choose West Broad Village?

Rebecca: The main reasons I choose West Broad Village are the living convenience, and the community’s environment. We all know that West Broad Village is great for shopping and daily commute, and I totally agree. I like Whole Foods (Editor’s note: the high-end organic grocery store located inside the community) a lot, because it provides healthy food.

Clubhouse entrance.

Rebecca: And what I want to add to my statement is, the convenience is also in many details, especially in house maintenance. I used to live in a family house in Wyndham area near Short Pump, and that house has a lot of home and yard maintenances. I need to do all those by myself, which exhausted me every time. In here West Broad Village, I don’t need to worry about all those things, HOA (Editor’s note: Homeowner Association) does it, they take care of the yard, the exterior paints, the driveway cleaning, rooftop repairs, and many other things. Now I have more time to spend with my family, my dog, and myself! They have also installed UV protection windows and fire extinguish systems in every house.

WJ: So that means there are many nice design details that contribute to the living quality here?

Rebecca: Yes.

WJ: Also based on your experience, West Broad Village is kind of like those served apartments in big cities.

Rebecca: Yes, but with more privacy and flexibility.

The luxury central hall in the clubhouse.

WJ: How about the environment? Do you spend your weekend and recreational time in west broad village?

Rebecca: Yes, I spend most of my time here when not working and in the weekend. The parks and sidewalks are quite, beautiful and clean. I love my dog and I walk him everyday, and I feel safer to walk my dog here compared to the city, also less traffic and cleaner air. The community activities are nice and fun, we have summer concerts and movie nights, there is also an art fair happening soon.

The family theatre, indoor gym, and children's playroom in the clubhouse.

WJ: Do you like the house design here?

Rebecca: Yes. I like the exteriors most, they are stylish, high-end and unique. The courtyards and gardens are also beautiful. The interiors are nice too, they come with affordable high-end styles and classes, and you can always update them at your wish.

WJ: Do you shop and eat in West Broad Village often?

Rebecca: Yes, I shop here a lot, mainly Whole Foods, Petco, Sweet Frog, and Short Pump Town Center. Also the nearby stores, like Bestbuy, Asian Market, and Costco. There are many nice restaurants and bars nearby too, especially Peter Chang and Maggiano’s.

The party room, including a kitchen, a dining room, a pool table, and meeting areas.

WJ: Will you recommend west broad village to potential home buyers?

Rebecca: Yes, the houses here are perfect for couples and small to medium families.

WJ: Are you satisfied with your home buying experience with Sarah Bice & Associates Real Estate?

Rebecca: Yes, five star! They are professional, fully dedicated to customer satisfaction, and pay attention to every detail. They are also multi-cultural and multi-lingual, which helps me a lot!

Outdoor swimming pool and sun bathing area.