



Carytown是里士满市区内一个风格独特的购物街区。这一个街区在Fan居住区的西侧,并且也是传统意义上的里士满城市区域的边界。Carytown购物区的发展始于1938年,以Cary Court购物广场(Cary Court Shopping Center)的落成为标志。Cary Court购物广场在2001年被列入美国历史建筑名录,是一座单层的装饰艺术风格(Art Deco)建筑。该建筑带有方便的停车广场,以及整齐简洁的现代铝合金门框和商店橱窗。随着该广场的落成,更多的商铺在周边开始发展。最终,这个新兴的商业区连接了区域内另一座历史性的建筑 — Byrd影剧院,形成了如今的Carytown购物区。

Cary Court购物广场。

Cary Court购物广场。

Carytown购物区拥有多元化的风格。这里有超过230间商铺,饭店以及精品店。著名的饭店名单里面包括了New York Deli,这间汉堡及熟食店开业于1929年,并且是著名的水手三明治(Sailor sandwich)的发源之地。另一个同样著名的饭店则是定位高端的Can Can Brasserie,是里士满里面最出名的法式餐馆。Carytown里数量众多的餐饮店铺也提供快餐,便餐,早午餐,茶饮,pizza和甜品等不同风格的服务。这些店包括了纸杯蛋糕店Carytown Cupcakes,地中海风格的餐馆Greek on Cary,快餐店Galaxy Diner,手工冰淇淋店Bev’s Homemade Ice Creams,pizza店Mellow Mushroom,以及著名的汉堡酒吧Citizen Burger Bar等。Carytown为数众多的精品店给人们提供了丰富的机会去寻找独特的家居饰品,服饰,唱片,礼物和玩具等。这里的精品店品种丰富,包括专卖设计品的二手店Clementine,唱片及音乐器材店Plan9 Records,地毯及家具店Ladles & Linens,礼品店Mongrel,以及非主流玩具店World of Mirth等等。这些风格友好的商店,开放式的排房,和餐馆,街头表演者,以及众多的其他体验活动一道,将Carytown购物区打造成了一个内容丰富多彩的地段。这里不仅是里士满居民的喜爱之地,同时也是众多游客慕名拜访的地方。


Carytown也举办数个独有的年度节日。这里面最出名的两个是三月份的法国电影节(French Film Festival)和八月份的西瓜节。Carytown农贸市场在每个星期日的上午11点到下午3点开放,为大家提供本地的农产品和饮料等。



落成于1928年的 Byrd theatre(Byrd影剧院)拥有比Cary Court购物广场更早的历史。该影剧院是弗吉尼亚州内第一座在落成时就带有声音系统的影院。影剧院在上世纪70年代末成为了弗吉尼亚历史地标建筑,以及进入了美国历史建筑名录。该建筑的风格为意大利文艺复兴复活派(Italian Renaissance Revival)。影剧院自1928年开业起就未曾停业,全年放映电影。它主要放映处于第二档期的主流电影,成年人的票价为4美元,特殊活动如法国电影节等时候除外。影剧院里面还有一座著名的Wurlitzer管风琴,位于建筑的四楼,并且在每个星期六晚上都会进行演奏表演。

除了必须的维修和数字化投影更新外,Byrd影剧院的很多结构,座位和光照系统都维持了1928年落成时候的原样,包括了很多装饰艺术风格时期的独有元素。这些不寻常的元素包括了用于楼房清洁的中央吸尘系统(类似于中央空调,不过是吸尘机),以及在建筑里面引入的一道天然泉水,以用于早期的空调系统。影剧院仍然展示着当年纽约Arthur Brunet工作室设计的豪华内部装潢,包括了一座高18英尺,重2.5吨的主礼堂吊灯,上面装饰有超过5000枚水晶,以及超过500盏红色,蓝色,黄色和琥珀色的灯泡。根据本地市区传说,影剧院里面还有第一任经理Robert Coulter的幽灵出没,为这座建筑丰富的历史和故事加入了更多的色彩。

非主流玩具店World of Mirth和礼品店Mongrel。


2811-3600 West Cary Street
Richmond, VA  23221
United States






Carytown townhouse storefronts.

Carytown is a unique shopping neighborhood inside Richmond city, at the west side of Fan district, also marking the traditional boundary of Richmond’s urban area. The neighbourhood began with the completion of Cary Court Shopping Center in 1938 — a historical, single-floor Art Deco style building. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2001, the building features a prominent parking area and a streamlined, uninterrupted string of large modern aluminum and glass doors and commercial storefronts. As more shops developed on the surrounding property, the shopping area eventually connected another historical landmark in that area — Byrd Theatre, creating today’s carytown neighborhood.

Cary Court Shopping Center.

Cary Court Shopping Center.

Carytown now has an eclectic flavor and includes more than 230 shops, restaurants, and boutiques. Famous restaurants include New York Deli, which has been around since 1929 and is the birthplace of the Sailor sandwich; and Can Can Brasserie, as Richmond’s best-known French restaurant. For casual dining, brunch, coffee, dessert, pizza and drinks, Carytown also offers a wide selection, such as Carytown Cupcakes, Greek on Cary, Galaxy Diner, Bev’s Homemade Ice Creams, Mellow Mushroom, and Citizen Burger Bar. Carytown’s many boutiques provide exciting opportunities for people to look for unique home decors, clothing, records, gifts, and toys. The various type of boutique shops includes the designer’s thrift store Clementine, music store Plan9 Records, culinary shop Ladles & Linens, gift shop Mongrel, alternative toy store World of Mirth, and many others. The friendly shops, townhouse style storefronts, restaurants, street performers, and many other experiences make Carytown suitable for every Richmonder and tourists.

Colorful and lively paints and murals.

Carytown also has several annual festivals, with the most famous ones being the Watermelon festival in August and French Film Festival in March. Every Sunday, the Carytown Farmers Market opens from 11am to 3pm, providing local foods and drinks.

Byrd Theatre.

Byrd Theatre.

Byrd theatre was completed in 1928 — even earlier that Cary Court. The theatre was the first cinema in Virginia to be outfitted with a sound system when built, featuring an Italian Renaissance Revival architectural style. It was listed as a Virginia Historic Landmark and was included in the National Register of Historic Places in the late 1970s. The cinema has been operated continuously since 1928, showing movies 365 days a year. It plays second-run movies for $4 per adult, with the exceptions of certain festivals, such as the Richmond French Film Festival, held annually at March. The theatre has a Wurlitzer Organ installed on the fourth floor, with an instrumental show being held every Saturday. Except the necessary repairs and digital projection updates, many structures, seats and light systems in the theatre are still original, including many unique features from the Art Deco era. Such unusual features included a central vacuum system for house cleaning, and a natural spring which used to supply water to the vintage air conditioning system.The theatre still displays the the lavish interior designed by the Arthur Brunet Studios of New York, including an 18-foot, two-and-a-half ton chandelier suspended over the auditorium with over 5,000 crystals illuminated by 500 red, blue, green and amber lights. According to local rumors, the theatre is also haunted by the ghost of Robert Coulter — the first manager of the theatre, adding more flavors to the building’s rich history.

World of Mirth and Mongrel.

A wide selection of products and details.

2811-3600 West Cary Street
Richmond, VA  23221
United States

Most shops open from 10am-6pm, Monday to Saturday;
Farmers Market opens 11am-3pm, Sunday;
Restaurants and bars usually open daily.




Shockoe Bottom城市社区

从Church Hill观望的里士满城市天际线,近处为Shockoe Bottom, 远处为市中心。

从Church Hill观望的里士满城市天际线,近处为Shockoe Bottom, 远处为市中心。

Shockoe Bottom是里士满市区内历史最悠久的区域之一,这里的街区肌理仍然在很大程度上保留了陆军上校William Mayo在1737年作的里士满城市规划。Shockoe Bottom在里士满市中心和Church Hill(直译“教堂山”)之间,沿着James River(詹姆斯河)分布。它是一个长条型的城市社区,并且是如今市区内一个富有活力的居住,餐饮和夜生活娱乐中心。

Shockoe Bottom区域内的一个loft工作室/住宅混合体的室内景。

Shockoe Bottom区域内的一个loft工作室/住宅混合体的室内景。

在历史上,Shockoe Bottom是里士满的交通,经济和工业枢纽。随着弗吉尼亚州的州府搬迁至里士满,这一区域在18世纪末期开始发展。很快,这里就变成了一个繁忙的城市交汇之处,融合了来自铁路,运河,城市和旧Mayo马车桥的交通。值得一提的是,旧Mayo马车桥如今仍有桥墩留存。这些桥墩就在现今的14街跨河大桥之下,并且可以在布朗岛(Browns Island)步行桥上观看。18到19世纪的Shockoe Bottom是里士满的烟草业中心,同时这里也在美国历史上的奴隶交易里扮演了重要地位,直到内战结速为止。奴隶贸易带来的利润催生了美国南部的富裕白人阶层,并推动了里士满的经济。在战前,市内的15街被誉为南方的华尔街。


和 ShockoeBottom沿河条带并排的铁路桥。

和 ShockoeBottom沿河条带并排的铁路桥。

在Main Street火车站旁边的公路/铁路混合立交桥。

在Main Street火车站旁边的公路/铁路混合立交桥。

然而,在1865年4月,里士满被北方联军收复的前夜,原来的Shockoe Bottom区域被彻底摧毁了。撤退的南方邦联军点燃了这里的烟草仓库,大火从Shockoe Bottom开始蔓延,最终烧毁了当年25%的里士满城区。Shockoe Bottom在战后被迅速重建,建成了大部分保存至今的历史城区。战后的Shockoe Bottom仍然是里士满乃至美国南部的烟草业及交通中心,同时附近的美国联邦政府机构也为这里的商业带来了多样性。在建筑学上说,战后重建的建筑大多数属于英式意大利风格和维多利亚风格的商业变种,进入20世纪初,这里也加入了装饰艺术风格的建筑。Shockoe Bottom的烟草业最终在1960年前后被废弃,社区一度萧条。它的重新激活则发生在1980年之后,由数个艺术馆牵头,包括如今的1708艺术馆和Artspace艺术中心。



如今,Shockoe Bottom的建筑主要用于饭店,零售商业,办公和居住的用途。近年来区内还增设了一个农贸市场。该区域仍然是里士满的休闲艺术区的一部分,它离现在的艺术中心Plant Zero很近,并且也拥有自己的阁楼式公寓(loft)和工作室式住宅(home studio)。一些旧的闲置烟草仓库仍然屹立在区域内,告诉着过往人流该地乃至整个里士满的多层历史印记。Shockoe Bottom如今有很多酒店式公寓,让其成为了一个便利而设施良好的城市居住区。这里也有不少出名的高品质餐馆,包括拥有河岸餐厅和酒吧的Boathouse at Rocketts Landing。其他出名餐馆包括Havana ‘59,Bottoms Up Pizza,River City Diner,Station 2,和Millie’s Diner等。Shockoe Bottom区域内的公共社区是一个运河公园。在这里,人们可以近距离参观城市的工业结构,尤其是那个火车站附近的著名的Shockoe Bottom五层立交桥 — 三条铁路和两条高速在此层叠,延伸到巨大的防洪墙的内外。新建筑和老建筑,殖民地风格和工业风格,大体量结构和小型空间,这些不同建筑风格的融合打造出Shockoe Bottom独特的空间美感。Shockoe Bottom同时也离Church Hill很近,在那里,人们可以观赏到整个里士满天际线的风光,包括了山上的一个微型自由女神像。

巨大的城市防洪墙,保护了Shockoe Bottom盘地和里士满市区不受詹姆斯河的周期性洪水的侵袭。





Shockoe Bottom

View of Shockoe Bottom and downtown Richmond from Church Hill.

View of Shockoe Bottom and downtown Richmond from Church Hill.

Shockoe Bottom is one of Richmond city’s oldest neighborhoods, as the street blocks and zonings remains largely identical to Colonel William Mayo's initial city plan of Richmond in 1737 . Shockoe Bottom locates between downtown Richmond and Church Hill, along the James River, creating a long slip riverside neighborhood. Today, the area is a bustling hub for city living, cuisine and nightlife.

A loft in Shockoe Bottom.

A loft in Shockoe Bottom.

Historically, Shockoe Bottom was a main transportation hub for Richmond city. The traffics, combining with the location, have established the area as the city's industrial and commercial center. Shockoe Bottom began developing in the late 18th century following the move of the state capital to Richmond. Soon the neighborhood became the busy intersection of railways, river and canal traffics, and city roads, including the old Mayo’s bridge. This wagon and pedestrian bridge was a key feature contributing to the neighborhood's thriving. And today, its remaining piers are still sitting next to the modern 14 Street bridge, which can be observed from Browns Island city park. Shockoe bottom was the center of Richmond’s and southern America's tobacco industry, It also played a major role in slavery in the United States before the end of the Civil War. Profits from the slave trades fueled the creation of wealth for Southern whites and drove the economy in Richmond, leading 15th Street to be known as "Wall Street of the South" before the war.


Railway alongside the Shockoe slip.

Railway alongside the Shockoe slip.

The mixed intersection of highways and railways near Main Street Train Station.

The mixed intersection of highways and railways near Main Street Train Station.

However, the original Shockoe Bottom was completely destroyed on the eve of the fall of Richmond to the Union Army in April 1865. The evacuating Confederate forces set fire to the tobacco warehouses. The fire spread from Shockoe Bottom, eventually destroyed 25% of the whole Richmond city. Shockoe Bottom was quickly rebuilt after the war, forming much of its present historic building stock. It was still the center of tobacco industry and railway intersections, while its proximity to many downtown federal government buildings also added diversity to the business. Architecturally, many of the buildings constructed during the rebuilding period are a commercial variant of the Italianate style. Coming to 19th and early 20th century, Art Deco and Victorian style buildings were added. The tobacco industry was eventually abandoned in the 1960s, followed by the decades-long decline of this ares. Shockoe Bottom was revitalization in the 1980s, lead by the stationing of several art galleries—incluidng what would be today’s 1708 Gallery and Artspace.  


Many historical tobacco warehouses and Art Deco style buildings are converted to lofts.

Today, the buildings in Shockoe Bottom are primarily restaurants, shops, offices, and apartments. A farmer’s market was also built in recent years. Shockoe Bottom is still part of the city’s recreational and creative area, being closed to Plant Zero—the current art center near downtown across James River. Some old unused tobacco warehouse still remains, reminding the passenger’s about the area’s and Richmond city’s history. Shockoe Bottom now has many high-end lofts, studios, and serviced apartments, making it a convenient and well-developed spot for urban living. This area also hosts several finest restaurants of the city, including the Boathouse at Rocketts Landing—featuring waterfront dinings and bars, as well as Havana ‘59, Bottoms Up Pizza, River City Diner, Station 2, and Millie’s Diner. A canal city park was added in the 1990s after the completion of the city's floor wall. In this highlighted area, people can walk around the old canals and admire the city's industrial and transportation complexes, especially the famous five-deck traffic intersection near the Main Street Train Station, This intersection has three railways and two highways, spreading inside and outside the massive concrete flood walls. The mix between old and new, colonial and industrial, massive and delicate, gives this area a unique architectural aesthetic. Shockoe Bottom is also close to Church Hill, another historical, well-maintained and charming neighbourhood, where one can observe the whole downtown Richmond city alongside with the unique miniature Statue of Liberty.


The floor wall that keeps Shockoe Bottom basin and Richmond downtown safe from Jame River's periodical flooding.


More Images: Shockoe Bottom streets and restaurants