

Short Pump 购物中心

圣诞节期间的Short Pump 购物中心。

圣诞节期间的Short Pump 购物中心。

开业于2003年,Short Pump购物中心是一个位于Henrico行政区,在里士满市区以西的开放式购物中心。这里定位于高端零售,中心内有梅西百货 (Macy's),诺德斯特龙 (Nordstrom),Dick's运动商场,迪拉德百货 (Dillard's),Crate & Barrel家居连锁等大型连锁商场;以及苹果,丝芙兰,Zara,维多利亚的秘密等旗舰零售店。近年来,面向广泛受众的大众化价位连锁店亦开始进驻,包括H&M,美国鹰,ALDO以及Urban Outfitters等。这些连锁商场,再加上中心内数个不错的餐饮店铺,另这个购物中心成为了里士满市区及Henrico地区的人们在周末购物休闲的好去处。


作为一个定位高端的购物中心,Short Pump以其花园式的休闲购物体验而闻名。在中心内,花丛,树木,喷泉,儿童游乐场和商店被有机地融合,营造出一个令人惬意的环境。你可以在这里寻找你心仪的品牌产品,或是漫步于花园,品尝咖啡,观看儿童嬉戏,自由掌握自己的节奏和步伐。Short Pump的环境经过精心维护,商店与场地的融合亦经过仔细设计。这里的整体购物体验是在提供产品的同时,也在推广一种闲适精致的生活理念。Short Pump购物中心是大里士满区域内最大,最出名的购物中心之一。

Short Pump购物中心也提供多种促销活动,如春季和夏季大促等,其中最著名也最大的是黑色星期五。在感恩节后的第二天,Short Pump会和周边的商场一起,包括百思买(Bestbuy)和Barnes&Noble书店等,提供大尺度产品折扣。人流量的大规模攀升另Short Pump的黑色星期五成为了一个本地的聚会活动。人们会甚至在星期四晚上就开始排队,以其抢到自己的期待产品。



星期一到星期六: 10 am – 9 pm
星期天: 11 am – 6 pm

11800 West Broad Street Richmond, VA 23233





Short Pump Town Center

Short Pump Town Center during Christmas.

Short Pump Town Center during Christmas.

Located in Henrico County, and to the west of Richmond City, Short Pump Town Center was Opened in September 4, 2003. It is an open-air shopping center composed of upscale stores, including anchor chain stores like Macy's, Nordstrom, Dick's Sporting Goods, Dillard's, Crate & Barrel; and flagship retails like Apple, Sephora, Zara and Victoria’s Secret. Along with a notable dining service, Short Pump Town Center acts as a famous weekend gathering and shopping place for people in Richmond city, West End, and Henrico County. In the recent years, Short Pump Town Center also introduces a new selection of retail shops at mid and low price ranges, such as H&M, American Eagles, ALDO and Urban Outfitters.

Being high-end, Short Pump Town Center is famous for its garden-style, non-hassle shopping experience. Clusters of seasonal flowers and greens, trees, bushes, water fountains, playgrounds and shops and mixed well together in this open space, to create a satisfying environment. In Short Pump, you can search for your favourite brand picks, enjoy coffee in a corner, watch the kids play, walk around the gardens, or do all of them. The space is very clean and well-maintained, and the shops are blended into it pleasantly. The whole experience is offering a lifestyle to the customers alongside with the products. Short Pump Town Center is one of the largest and most well-known shopping centers in the Greater Richmond Area.

Short Pump Town Center has several sales events year round—like spring and summer sales—with the biggest and most famous one being Black Friday. In the day following Thanksgiving Day, Short Pump will team up with the nearby shopping stops, such as Bestbuy and Barnes&Noble, to offer deep discounts. The discounts, combined with a soaring increase of customer traffic flow, makes Black Friday a local event. People will even wait for hours starting at Thursday night to chase down the discount opportunity for their wish lists.

Touring train for kids and their parents circles around the shopping center.


Open 365 days a year.
Monday to Saturday: 10 am – 9 pm
Sunday: 11 am – 6 pm
Restaurant hours may vary.

11800 West Broad Street Richmond, VA 23233

