monument avenue


Virginia Commonwealth University and Monroe Park Campus

VCU Monroe park Campus, near the Compass plaza.

VCU Monroe park Campus, near the Compass plaza.

Located in Richmond, Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) is a public research university founded in 1838 as the medical department of Hampden–Sydney College. The college became the Medical College of Virginia (MCV) in 1854. In 1968, the Virginia General Assembly merged MCV with the Richmond Professional Institute (RPI), to create what is today's Virginia Commonwealth University. This history is embedded into VCU’s seal, which consists of the iconic Egyptian building and the two schools’ names.

Today VCU consists of 13 schools and one college, and The VCU Health System supports the university's health care education, research and patient care. VCU also has an independent campus in Doha, Qatar, mainly hosting art and design bachelor degree educations.

VCU provides degrees for more than 31,000 students. Around 85% of the students are in-state, 9% are out-of state, and 6% are international. VCU is one of the public universities to have the highest percentage of non-White students in the United states. Demographically, other than international students, the student body is 51% white, 15% African American, 12% Asian, and 7% Hispanic. Recent years have also seen an increase in the number of Chinese international students, as the university is actively expanding the enrollment to east Asia, and setting up exclusive staffs for Asian international student affairs. There are around 400 Chinese students and visiting scholars at the university as of 2016.

VCU Student Commons building.

VCU Student Commons building.

VCU is designated as "R1: Doctoral University - Highest Research Activity" by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. According to the 2016 U.S. News & World Report, VCU is classified as a Tier 1 University with an overall national rank of No. 156, and No. 84 among all public colleges and universities. Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts (VCUarts) is ranked as the No. 1 public university school of arts and design in the country (and tied as No. 2 among public & private institutions) by U.S. News & World Report in 2017. The VCU Brandcenter (the School of Business' graduate program) in advertising has also been ranked first in the nation by Creativity Magazine. VCU's Masters of Science in Health Administration program was ranked second by Modern Healthcare. The University's Health System has twice been named one of the Solucient Top 100 Hospitals in the United States by Solucient Corporation. VCU's athletic teams compete in Division I of the NCAA and are collectively known as the VCU Rams. They are members of the Atlantic 10 Conference.

VCU has two main campuses in Richmond: the Monroe Park Campus, located west of downtown Richmond, and the MCV Campus in the urban center. VCU campuses take up a significant part of Richmond city, and the students make up around 15 percent of the city’s population.

Monroe Park Campus, blended into the city blocks.

Monroe Park Campus, blended into the city blocks.

Named after the city park, the 90.6-acre Monroe Park Campus houses most of VCU's general education facilities, and is situated on the eastern end of the Fan district. Prior to the merger of the Richmond Professional Institute and the Medical College of Virginia, the campus was the home to the entire Richmond Professional Institute. The campus has a mix of modern and vintage buildings, with over 40 structures built before 1900.

Franklin Street VCU section. Including Office of The Vice President.

For sightseeing visitors and the aesthetic eyes, The VCU section of Franklin Street can provide a scenic walk. The section begins at the intersection of Franklin Street and Belvedere Street, and ends at the intersection of Franklin Street and North Harrison Street. It connects to the beginning of Monument Avenue. The half-mile walk features Monroe Park, garden landscapes, trees, historic and stylish buildings, churches, the House of the University President, and the Anderson Gallery. Anderson Gallery hosts student and faculty shows year round, including the VCUarts’ thesis exhibitions. It is one of the best place to experience the highlights of VCUarts.

Pollak building, a rare Blutalist example in Richmond.

The Pollak Building, located on North Harrison Street, was named for VCUarts founder Theresa Pollak in 1971. It hosts the headquarter of VCUarts, and several design programs. Pollak Building is one of the hidden architectural gems in Richmond, being one of the few Brutalist buildings in the city. Pollak building also has a rooftop garden where visitors can enjoy the surroundings of sunshines, vegetations, and the panoramic view of Monroe Park Campus.

ICA under construction in 2017.
First image shows ICA office alongside with the Depot, a building converted from a train station.

The Institute for Contemporary Art (ICA), build by Steven Holl and associates, is planned to open in 2017. ICA is located at an important crossroads corner location of Belvidere Street and Broad Street, leading the city’s Art District area development. Aimed as the city’s most significant noncollecting contemporary art museum with an international reputation, ICA will not only boosts VCU’s, but also Richmond’s reputation in contemporary art exhibitions. It is also a symbolic link between Monroe Park Campus with MCV Campus.

VCU James Branch Cabell Library. A building influenced by Neoclassical architecture (before renovation).

After the 2016 renovation, James Branch Cabell Library becomes one of the largest libraries in Virginia. The library has extensive and comprehensive collections in art, science, business, editorials, local documents, and many other fields. It has one of the largest book art collections and the fifth largest graphic novel and comic book collections in the United States. The libraries hosts 2.16 million visitors each year, it is also open to public during daytime hours.

Monroe Park before renovation.

Monroe Park before renovation.

Monroe Park itself is the oldest city park in Richmond city, founded in 1851. It marks the east end of the historical Fan district — a historic, late 19th-century neighborhood adjacent to downtown Richmond. Monroe Park is a 7.5 acres park in pentagonal shape, surrounded by VCU residence halls, VCU da Vinci center, Altria Theatre, and several churches. The park is currently under renovation, to improve its lighting and other public facilities. It is planned to reopen in 2018.

The exotic Altria theatre.

Altria theatre is located next to Monroe Park. Originally built for Shriners of the Acca Temple Shrine in 1927, the building stands itself out from the surroundings with the exotic, castle-like middle-east architecture style, and luxury decorations. It was acquired by Richmond city in the 1940s, and became a theatre in 1995. Other than hosting musicals, concerts and comedies, the theatre also hosts various VCU events including graduation ceremonies.

The Fine Arts Building, located in Broad Street, is a massive building hosting the departments of Craft and Material Studies, Kinetic Imaging, Painting and Printmaking, and Sculpture and Extended Media. It frequently features public large-scale installations, live musics, seminars and conferences from students, faculties and visiting artists.

The Stuart C. Siegel Center, also in Broad Street, is the home court of the VCU basketball teams.The 7500-seat arena was opened in 1999, and has witnessed a 85 percent home court winning. The NCAA basketball games are popular local events, while the site is also used for volleyball games and concerts.

Additional Gallery


Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, Virginia 23284
VCU Student Commons:
907 Floyd Ave, Richmond, VA 23284

(804) 828-0100





VCU Monroe Park Campus(门罗公园校区),Compass广场附近区域。

VCU Monroe Park Campus(门罗公园校区),Compass广场附近区域。

弗吉尼亚联邦大学(Virginia Commonwealth University, VCU)是一所公立的研究性大学,并坐落在里士满市区内。VCU建立于1838年,最初是汉普顿—悉尼(Hampden–Sydney)学院的医学分部。该学院在1854年成为了弗吉尼亚医科学院(MCV)。在1968年,弗吉尼亚议会决定将MCV和里士满职业技术学院(RPI)合并,建立了如今的弗吉尼亚联邦大学。这一段历史被整合到了VCU的校徽之中,两所前身学院的名字并列在学校标志性的埃及大楼的图案上下。



VCU Student Commons Building/学生办事中心。

VCU Student Commons Building/学生办事中心。

VCU被卡内基高校机构分类认定为“R1:博士级研究型大学”。根据2016年的美国及世界新闻网(U.S. News & World Report)排行榜,VCU被划定为第一梯队的大学,VCU在美国境内综合排名156名,并且在公立学院中排行84名。2017年,弗吉尼亚联邦大学艺术学院(VCUarts)是美国境内排名第一的公立艺术学院,并且在全美所有艺术学院里面排名并列第二。VCU Brandcenter 的广告专业(VCU商学院的研究生专业之一)被创意杂志(Creativity Magazine)列为全美第一。医学院的健康管理研究生被当代医学(Modern Healthcare)列为全美第二。VCU的医院及健康管理系统两度被Solucient公司列为全美最好的100所医院之一。VCU的篮球队,VCU Rams,是NCAA美国高校联盟里面的第一梯队,并且是大西洋顶尖十名的成员之一。

VCU在里士满有两个校区:位于市区西部的门罗公园校区(Monroe Park Campus),以及位于市中心的MCV校区。VCU的校区占据了相当显著的里士满市区比例,其学生数量也占据了市区内15%的人口。



由城市的门罗公园(Monroe Park)命名,占地90.6英亩的门罗公园校区坐落在Fan居住区的东部,包括了VCU多数的普通教育学院。在里士满职业技术学院(RPI)和MCV合并之前,门罗公园校区包括了整个RPI校园。如今的门罗公园校区包含了历史和现代的建筑,超过40栋建筑修建于1900年之前。

富兰克林街(Franklin Street)VCU段。包括副校长办公室楼。

对于观光者和带有审美眼光的人来说,富兰克林街(Franklin Street)的VCU段提供了一段景色秀丽的道路。这一个区段从Franklin Street和Belvedere Street交汇的路口开始,到Franklin Street和North Harrison Street交汇的路口结速,并连通纪念大道(Monument Avenue)。这一段半英里的路程包括了门罗公园以及数个花园,同时还包括了大量的行道树,历史性的精致建筑,教堂,校长办公室,以及安德逊艺术馆(Anderson Gallery)。Anderson Gallery常年展览来自VCUarts的教师和学生作品,包括了研究生毕业展。这个艺术馆是了解VCUarts的亮点作品的最佳通道之一。


落成于1971年的Pollak(不是波洛克/Pollock!)大楼(Pollak Building)坐落在North Harrison街上,并以VCUarts的创办人Theresa Pollak命名。这是VCU艺术学院的总部,并且是数个设计学院所在之地。Pollak大楼是里士满市内的隐藏建筑宝藏之一,是该地区内为数不多的粗野主义(Brutalism)风格建筑,受到来自柯布西耶建筑风格的影响。大楼还有一个屋顶花园,可以观赏门罗公园校区的全景。

正在建造中的ICA,拍摄于2017年。ICA办公室在the Depot旁边,一栋由旧火车站改建的楼房。

VCU当代艺术中心(The Institute for Contemporary Art, ICA)由史提芬·霍尔(Steven Holl)建筑事务所设计,计划在2017年落成。ICA坐落在Belvidere Street和Broad Street交界之处,引领着里士满城市艺术区的发展。ICA的目标是成为作为州内,乃至国际知名的非永久藏品艺术馆。该中心不仅能大幅提高VCU,乃至整个里士满在当代艺展上的地位,同时也是一个连接门罗公园校区和MCV校区的象征性节点。

James Branch Cabell图书馆。一座带有新古典主义风格的建筑(在改建之前)。

在2016年的扩建完成后,James Branch Cabell图书馆成为了弗吉尼亚州内最大的图书馆之一。这个图书馆有全面而深入的藏书类别,包括了科学,艺术,商科,期刊,本地文献等众多类别。图书馆拥有北美地区最大的艺术图书收藏之一,并且拥有全美第五大漫画和漫画小说收藏。James Branch Cabell图书馆每年的访问人数超过200万,而且图书馆在白天也向公众开放。



门罗公园本身是里士满市区内最古老的城市公园,建立于1851年。这个公园是里士满历史悠久的Fan居住区的东部起点,占地7.5英亩。公园周围是VCU的学生宿舍,达芬奇中心(VCU da Vinci center),Altria剧院,以及数个教堂。门罗公园现正处于翻修改造过程之中,旨在改善公园的灯光及其他公共设施。公园计划在2018年重新开放。


Altria剧院位于门罗公园旁边。该建筑落成于1927年,最初为阿卡寺神社成员(Shriners of the Acca Temple Shrine,一个社会组织)的活动中心。正因如此,该建筑的风格和周边楼房明显不同,它是一座城堡一样的大楼,并大有明显的阿拉伯建筑风格和豪华的外部装横。里士满市政府在20世纪40年代购置了该建筑,并且在1995年将它改造成为了如今的Altria剧院。除了举办音乐会和歌剧外,该剧院也频繁举办VCU的活动,包括毕业典礼等。

坐落在Broad Street街上的艺术系大楼(Fine Arts Building)是一动庞大的建筑,里面有艺术学院的雕塑系,绘画系,动态影像系,以及工艺材料系等。大楼频繁举办向大众开放的大型装置展览,音乐会,研讨会和艺术峰会,由艺术系的老师,学生和访问艺术家提供内容。

同样坐落在Broad Street街上的Stuart C. Siege体育中心是VCU篮球队的主场。场馆落成于1999年,能容纳7500人。VCU篮球队在此的主场胜率达到了 85%,作为美国高校职业篮球联盟的一员,VCU球队的比赛一直是本地的热门活动。Stuart C. Siege体育中心痛死也举办排球赛和演唱会等活动。



Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, Virginia 23284
907 Floyd Ave, Richmond, VA 23284

(804) 828-0100




纪念大道(Monument Avenue)



纪念大道(Monument Avenue)是里士满的一个著名地标式道路。这条道路同时也是美国最大的邦联军(美国内战期间的南方政府军)纪念场地之一。纪念大道上李将军(Robert E. Lee)雕像所在的环岛是默认的里士满市区中心点。纪念大道是里士满的一个旅游热点。“纪念大道历史区域”在美国国家级历史性地标区域的名单之中。在2007年,美国城市规划委员会(American Planning Association,简称APA)将里士满的纪念大道列为美国最美的十大街道之一。APA将入选的原因归结为“历史性的建筑风格,城市结构,高质量的居住及宗教建筑,多样化的土地使用,公共艺术,以及多种交通方式的融合。” (来源:Richmond Times Dispatch, APA

纪念大道是一条保护良好的历史性道路。道路中间有一条延续全路段的宽阔隔离带,划分开东西向的车流。隔离带上面有可供人行走的草地以及大量的树木。大道上有五座美国内战期间来自弗吉尼亚的邦联军领导人的雕像,包括罗伯特·E·李(Robert E. Lee)将军,J.E.B. Stuart将军,南方邦联的总统杰弗逊·戴维斯(Jefferson Davis),汤姆斯·“石墙”·杰克逊(Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson)将军,以及海军将领Matthew Fontaine Maury。这五座雕像在1890年到1925年间被树立,其中首先被树立的是李将军的雕像。纪念大道上的大部分建筑,包括一些具有建筑学价值的个体,均在这一时期内一并落成。第六座雕像,Arthur Ashe,一位来自于里士满本地的国际网球明星,在1996年树立,坐落在纪念大道接近West End的一端。

纪念大道上的南方邦联军将领雕像(罗伯特·E·李,J.E.B. Stuart,以及杰弗逊·戴维斯)

从1890年纪念大道成立开始,这种在市区内显著地放置在内战期间代表支持奴隶制一方的将领的做法,就引起了不少的争议。该争议最终点燃了一个更广泛的讨论话题:如何展示和陈述里士满的历史。这座城市作为美国内战期间南方邦联军的首都,具有一段独特而且有争议的过去。和这一长达127年的争议一并发展的,是纪念大道在里士满城市里的地位。大道以及周边区域的长足发展让一度的市郊烟草种植园变成了如今的著名历史地标。纪念大道是数个本地年度活动的举办地,包括春季的“两英里长跑/徒步”活动,以及同样在春季的复活节游行。纪念大道在里士满市区内的部分还是一个设计精美的高端住宅区。同时,由于该地的雕像和纪念碑的名气,纪念大道还为里士满的旅游业贡献了显著的客源。在2017年6月,里士满市长Levar Stoney指派了一个新的10人委员会,以“调研恰当的方式来为这些雕像加入历史背景教育,并在同时修建新的历史纪念设施”。(来源:Richmond Times Dispatch

Arthur Ashe的雕像。

Arthur Ashe的雕像。

纪念大道本身,除去这些历史雕像,也自带有优美怡人的风景。参观大道的最佳季节为春季和秋季。在春季,各种植物和樱花树争先绽放,将纪念大道变成了一条长达数英里的充满生机的鲜花绿道。在秋季,大道上众多的树木纷纷被染成红黄和琥珀色,地表上也会覆盖上厚厚的一层落叶。大道上还有一些拥有建筑学价值的楼房个体,包括了几座教堂,Stuart广场大楼,以及Branch博物馆—该博物馆是设计了华盛顿国家美术馆的建筑师John Russell Pope的早年作品。大道在市区内的区段是石板路铺装,这一处理手法降低了车流速度,营造了一段优美的慢速驾驶观光体验。另一个体验大道的方式是在隔离带上步行或慢跑,或者是在侧道上骑车。





1603-3681 Monument Ave,
Richmond, VA 23220



Monument Avenue

Lee Circle. 

Lee Circle. 

Monument Avenue is a famous landmark in Richmond, Virginia. It is also one of the largest Confederate monuments in the United States. It is the traditional focal point of Richmond—with the Lee circle being the center of Richmond city, and also a popular tourist destination. "Monument Avenue Historic District" is listed as a National Historic Landmark District. In 2007, the American Planning Association ranked Monument Avenue one of the 10 Great Streets in the country. It was selected for the “historic architecture, urban form, quality residential and religious architecture, diversity of land uses, public art and integration of multiple modes of transportation” (Richmond Times Dispatch, APA).

Monument avenue is a preserved historical avenue with a tree-lined grassy mall in the center dividing the east- and westbound traffic, with five statues memorializing Virginian Confederate participants of the Civil War Robert E. Lee, J.E.B. Stuart, Jefferson Davis, Thomas "Stonewall"Jackson, and Matthew Fontaine Maury. These five statues were erected between 1890 to 1929, with Lee’s one being the first. Most of the buildings alongside the avenue, including many architecturally significant ones, were also built around this era. The sixth statue, Arthur Ashe, a Richmond native and international tennis star, was added in 1996 near the West End section of the avenue.

The Confederate Monuments (Robert E. Lee, J.E.B. Stuart, and Jefferson Davis).

The prominent placements of these Confederate statues has been debated from the very start after the completion of Lee’s one. The debates have infused more broader discussions about how to represent and narrate Richmond’s history — the former Capital of the Confederacy. Alongside with the 127-year-long debate, the importance of Monument Avenue continued to rise, turning the once tobacco fields into today’s famed historical landmark. Several events are held annually, including the locally-famous spring Monument Avenue 10K race, and the "Easter on Parade,” which is also in spring. The blocks has been a flavored, high-end living area for Richmond’s upper class, especially in the Fan section. Monument Avenue has also become well-known for the memorials and the preserved historical buildings, contributing a solid part to Richmond’s tourism industry. In June 2017, Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney has appointed a 10-member commission to “study ways to add context to these memorials, likely with new historical signage” (Richmond Times Dispatch).

The Monument of Arthur Ashe.

The Monument of Arthur Ashe.

The avenue itself, aside from the statues, has significant beauty on its own. The best season to experience the avenue is Spring and Autumn. In Spring, blooming floras and cherry blossom trees make Monument Avenue a miles-long strip of lively, delightful flowers and new leaves. In autumn, the avenue has clusters of trees dyed in red, amber and yellow, while the grassy malls are covered in thick leaves. The avenue also has various magnificent buildings, including several churches and chapels, the Stuart court building, and the Branch Museum — which is built by John Russell Pope, the architect behind the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C.. The avenue’s section between Lombardy Street and Boulevard is paved in stone, which has reduced the speed of traffic and created an enjoyable slow-ride experience. Another great way to experience Monument Avenue is to walk or jog on the grass mall in the center, while cycling is also an option on the sidewalks.

The majority of the houses on Monument Avenue are in Colonial style, with some exceptions.


Monument Avenue in sunset


Branch Museum, and a Church

1603-3681 Monument Ave,
Richmond, VA 23220