

Twin Hickory 社区


Twin Hickory是一个整体规划的开放式社区,以居住用途为主。Twin Hickory位于里士满市郊的Glen Allen区域,离市中心大约18分钟的车程。社区包含了超过1400座房屋*,18个小区*,一个小型购物区,一个YMCA中心,一所高中(Deep Run High School),几所小学,以及数个社区公园。Twin Hickory坐落在Short Pump购物中心,和Nuckols Road之间,沿着I-295高速和Twin Hickory Road分布。社区可以通过I-64高速的178A出口,以及I-295高速的51A/B出口到达。Twin Hickory社区是Short Pump一带最大的居住社区之一,拥有包括独栋家庭房屋、排房以及公寓这三种房屋类型。

Twin Hickory社区会所,以及会所的游泳池。

社区由Twin Hickory业主委员会(Twin Hickory Homeowners’ Association,同时是物业公司)管理,社区拥有出色的设施,景观设计,以及建筑整体性。HOA的专业服务帮助提升了该区域的物业价值。社区设施的亮点部分是位于4601 Hickory Lake Drive的社区会所。会所拥有一系列大小、深浅不一的游泳池,包括了标准池,跳水池,水上滑道区,嬉水池等,另所有年龄段的人都有能够安心畅玩的地方*。游泳池在每年的Memorial Day(五月最后一个星期一)到Labor Day(九月的第一个星期一)之间开放。在会所的旁边还有儿童娱乐场,网球场,以及步行道。Twin Hickory社区的步行道全长超过8英里,连接了区内的主要公共空间和设施,包括了学校,教堂,购物区,YMCA,以及Twin Hickory社区公共活动中心(Park and Recreation Center)。

Henrico公共图书馆(Henrico Public Library),位于Twin Hickory社区公共活动中心内。

Twin Hickory社区公共活动中心内坐落了Henrico公共图书馆,同时这里也是很多社娱乐动和夏季活动举办的地方。RLRVA编辑参观这里的时候,已经时近初秋,活动中心已经稍微显得宁静。不过,这里的居民仍然对先前的社区活动的回忆津津乐道。这些精彩的活动包括了去年的经典大众甲壳虫展,以及今年夏季的儿童嬉戏喷泉。现在,和暖的秋日阳光意味着这是读书和冥想的好时候。Henrico公共图书馆聚集了不少的附近居民,包括了来自其他社区的人。图书馆全年免费向公众开放,工作日期间开放时间为早上9点到晚上9点,周末的开放时间为早上9点到下午6点。图书馆同时还有一个驶入式的服务窗口,可以借还书。Twin Hickory社区公共活动中心大大地丰富了这里的生活。

Deep Run高中。

坐落在4801 Twin Hickory Road 的 Deep Run高中(Deep Run High School)是Henrico行政区内的一所主要公立高中。这所高中以Henrico行政区的第一所学校Deep Run命名。高中包含了超过1700名学生,110名教师,以及大量杰出校友。Deep Run高中在2016年被U.S. News & World Report列为弗吉尼亚顶级高中的第八名,同时在全美高中内排名278**。Deep Run高中,还有附近的小学,以及市中心的两所大学(弗吉尼亚联邦大学/VCU;和里士满大学/UR),构成了Twin Hickory社区优异的教育资源背景。

YMCA中心,以及Twin Hickory购物区域。

Shady Grove YMCA家庭中心(Shady Grove Family YMCA)*** 位于Nuckols Road和Twin Hickory Road的交界之处。中心为不同年龄段的人提供了健康训练项目和其他服务,月会员费为$20到$40不等。这一YMCA中心拥有相当高的群众评分(4.5 out of 5, via Google),从1995年开始,就为(当时还没完全建成的)Twin Hickory社区和其他社区的家庭提供健身和健康服务。YMCA家庭中心同时提供瑜伽和游泳等课程。它和里士满区内的另外16个YMCA中心一道,为这里居民的健康身心提供了坚实的保障。

一般来说,在Twin Hickory社区,业主自己维护物业内的行车道和房屋。不过Twin Hickory社区内也有一些带有统一管理的公寓式住宅,以及对应的小区。这些小区包括Bellingham,Belmont Park,Holly Glen,Jamerson Park,以及Park Commons。Twin Hickory社区拥有一个小型的购物中心,中心内有商店,饭店,一个食品超市(Food Lion),以及一些便利店(如CVS药房)。Twin Hickory同时离区域内的购物热点很近,包括了Short Pump购物中心和West Broad Village。

Twin Hickory的一些房屋:


* Twin Hickory HOA网站:

** Wikipedia:

*** Young Men’s Christian Association,面向社区的非营利机构,提供健身和健康生活服务,在美国YMCA也简称 “the Y”。

Twin Hickory Rd, Glen Allen, VA 23059
Access via Exit 178A of I-64, or Exit 51 of I-295.




Twin Hickory


Twin Hickory is a planned community located in Glen Allen, VA, near Richmond city. It consists of over 1,400 homes*, 18 neighborhoods*, a shopping area, a YMCA facility, a high school (Deep Run High School), several smaller schools, and several parks. It is located between Short Pump Town Center and Nuckols Road, alongside I-295 and Twin Hickory Road. The community can be accessed through Exit 178A of I-64 and Exit 51A/B of I-295. Twin Hickory is one of the biggest communities in Short Pump area, with a selection of homes including single-family homes, townhouses, and condominium homes. 

Twin Hickory Clubhouse, and pools.

Managed by The Twin Hickory Homeowners’ Association, Inc., the community is famous for its amenities, landscape design, and architectural integrity. The profession of HOA services has contributed to the properties’ growing values in the area. The highlight of the amenities is the clubhouse area at 4601 Hickory Lake Drive. The clubhouse has a selection of pools, with a lap pool, dive pool, water-slide, and toddler wading pool, everyone can find a place to enjoy*. The pools are opened from Memorial Day to Labor Day every year. A children’s playground, several tennis courts, and pedestrian sidewalks are located near the clubhouse, sprawling around the roadside lakes. The sidewalks spawns more that 8 miles in the community, connecting the major public spaces and amenities in the area, including schools, churches, the town center, YMCA, and Twin Hickory Park and Recreation Center.

Henrico Public Library, located in the park and recreation center.

The park and recreation center is where the Henrico County Public Library locates, as well as a place for community get togethers and summer activities. During early autumn, the place is already a little quiet as RLRVA editor visits, but folks nearby have really good memories about it, they still talked about the Volkswagen Beetle show happened last year, and the children’s water playground installed this summer. The warm autumn sun means now the place is a good spot for reading and meditation. The Henrico Public Library, as people gathers, provides service for residents within and beyond Twin Hickory. The library is free to the public, it opens yearly from 9 am to 9 pm during weekdays, and 9 am to 6 pm during weekends. The library also features a drive-in service window where people can loan and return books, making life in Twin Hickory more convenient.

Deep Run Hight School

Located in 4801 Twin Hickory Road, Deep Run High School is a magnet public high school in Henrico County, Virginia. It is named after one of Henrico County's first schools: Deep Run School. With over 1700 students, 110 teachers, and a history of alumni excellence, Deep Run High School is ranked as the 8th "Top School" in Virginia and the 278th best high school in the United States by U.S. News & World Report**. Combining other elementary schools in the community, as well as the two universities downtown (Virginia Commonwealth university, and University of Richmond), Twin Hickory provides education for families with quality and convenience.

YMCA center and town center in Twin Hickory.

Shady Grove Family YMCA*** center is located in the intersection of Nuckols Road and Twin Hickory Road. The center provides programs and services for all ages, ranging from $20 to $40 per person per month. The center is highly rated (4.5 out of 5, via Google) by residents in Twin Hickory, and has become a community place for connecting people and building healthier life since 1995. The center also provides various fitting and training lessons, such as yoga and swimming. The center, alongside with 16 other YMCA centers in Greater Richmond area, is indeed a place that keeps the kids, the families, and the community strong.

Overall, in Twin Hickory homeowners are responsible for the maintenance of their own lots and homes, with the exception of some neighborhoods that are maintenance free. They include Bellingham, Belmont Park, Holly Glen, Jamerson Park & Park Commons, where sub-associations of Twin Hickory HOA provide additional assessments and services. The community has its own small town center, with shops, restaurants, a grocery store (Food Lion), and other conveniences such as CVS Pharmacy. Twin Hickory is also conveniently located near many local major shopping spots, including Short Pump Town Center and West Broad Village.

Homes in Twin Hickory community:

Looking for a home here? There might be one for sale now! Check the link below:

* Twin Hickory HOA website:

** Wikipedia:

*** Young Men’s Christian Association, a community focused nonprofit providing recreational programs, short for “the Y” in the U.S..

Twin Hickory Rd, Glen Allen, VA 23059
Access via Exit 178A of I-64, or Exit 51 of I-295.

HOA Website:



Belle Isle 河州公园

Belle Isle 的河岸风光,远处同时有火车通过。

Belle Isle是位于James River下游浅河床上的一个无人岛。在美国内战期间岛上有人居住,并建立了一座战争监狱和一个村庄。在随后的20世纪,这里被用作一个水力发电站场地,直到1963年水电站被废弃。如今,作为一个州政府拥有的地块,Belle Isle成为了一个城市公园。这里拥有优美的风景,清爽的空气,还有各种野生动物以及它们的自然居住场所。公园最引人注目的地方在于,这一切景观离里士满市中心地区仅有数分钟的距离。Belle Isle可以通过一座位于Robert E. Lee大桥下面的悬索桥进入,步行或骑车均可。如果James River(詹姆斯河)的水位不是太高,Belle Isle也可以由河的南岸进入,通过跳石头的方式。在Belle Isle上,人们可以欣赏到Browns Island(布朗岛),Forest Hill(森林山)公园,旧Tredegar铁器厂,以及里士满城市的天际线。Belle Isle有数条徒步或骑车路径,在路径之上,还有很多旧建筑和铁路的遗址可供观赏和体验。

游客通过悬索桥进入Belle Isle。

游客通过悬索桥进入Belle Isle。


因为Belle Isle有足够的植被,同时免受频繁的人类活动的干扰,岛上有不少野生动物。这是一个不寻常的城市中心之景。各种鸣鸟,水鸭,鸬鹚和蓝鹭都比较常见,同时,松鼠等小型哺乳动物,以及一些两栖及爬行动物也在岛上居住。Belle Isle是一个周末休闲及户外活动的安全好去处。大人和小朋友都喜欢的热门活动包括路径徒步,在James River上游泳,跳石头,晒太阳,观鸟,划独木舟和小船,以及在石头上野餐 — 同时近距离欣赏数米外的急流。

连接Belle Isle和詹姆斯河的石头河床。



Belle Isle入口风光。

Belle Isle同时靠近另一个开放的草地公园—布朗岛(Browns Island)。在布朗岛上人们可以观看城市的工业结构,在James River河床亲水,参观历史场所(旧Tredegar铁器厂,如今弗吉尼亚内战纪念中心),参加徒步路径,以及音乐会等。一年一度的里士满乡村音乐节在此举行。风景优美的T. Tyler Potterfield步行桥连接着布朗岛和James River的南岸。这条步行桥平行着内战期间的Mayo桥的遗址。在水位不是太高的情况下,James River的南岸也可以到达Belle Isle,把两座岛屿和河岸连在一起。这两座岛屿,以及桥梁和历史遗址,共同组成了一个休闲娱乐教育场所。它们是是James River公园系统的一部分,并且是里士满城市的皇冠。


8:30 am – 9:30 pm (夏季)
8:30 am – 5:30 pm (冬季)

布朗岛地址(可以在此通过悬索桥进入Belle Isle):
S 7th St, Richmond, VA 23219

Bells Isle:
Browns Island:




English Version




占地100英亩的Maymont庄园是James and Sallie Dooley夫妇送给Richmond公众的礼物。Dooley夫妇于1893年到1925年间居住于此,他们热爱这一片水土优美之地,希望此地能够在他们离世后保留给公众,让后代都能像他们一样享受这个庄园。如今,无论是漫步花园中,参观邸宅,还是欣赏水獭,亲近山羊和草地野餐,Maymont是一个大家都可以欣赏放松的地方。


Maymont是一个维多利亚风格的庄园,临近William Byrd公园以及Carillon社区。作为弗吉尼亚州里士满市区内保存维护得最好的公共公园之一,Maymont是James River绿色河岸上的一颗明珠。庄园上有历史传承下来大片草地,花园,邸宅和林荫石路。同时,这里也有农场,动物园和自然观光中心等后期追加的景点。除了作为热门的观光和散步之地,庄园也提供场地给婚礼,生日聚会,教学讲解,动物接触及家庭聚会等活动。Maymont是本地居民休闲娱乐的好去处,也是游客不应该错过的地方。




Maymont有超过10个不同主题和大小的花园,其中最出名的两个是日本花园和意大利花园。日本花园位于庄园南端的低洼地,坐落在一个瀑布的后面,临近James River。花园建造于1911年,经典日式园林元素,包括瀑布,锦鲤池,小凉亭,石山,水沟和枫树等散步其中。这些元素,和周围的温带阔叶林,竹子以及北美的暖色调阳光融合,营造出一个独特的氛围。铺满落叶的地面,漂浮于水上的石灯笼,平静的水面和锦鲤,以及北美鹅群,构造了一个东西方融合的美感,让这个花园成为了一个优美而宁静的放松和沉思之地。在不远之处,意大利花园坐落在瀑布的上方,眺望James River。意大利花园的建筑和植被都经过精心的设计。玫瑰和藤蔓覆盖的开放长廊融合了罗马花园的风格;而在不同的地表层级上,包括桂花,阔叶松,薰衣潮和铁木等本地及引进的植物共同构筑了丰富多样的季节化纹理。意大利花园是一个举办户外婚礼的热点,同时也是所有游客都喜欢的开放式园林。Maymont还有数个其他风格的小型花园和凉亭,其中一些种植有蔬菜和水果用于儿童娱乐与教育,而另外一些则以蝴蝶,药草和向日葵等为主题。



位于Maymont北部入口处的自然及观光中心亦为一个值得参观之处。对于初次来Maymont的人,该中心是庄园的推荐入口,它提供了详细的景点信息和纪念品商店。自然观光中心同时有一个小型然而内容丰富的水族馆。馆内展出了来自James River以及Chesapeake Bay自然生态系统的生物,包含了鱼类,爬行动物,螯足动物,两栖动物以及美国短吻鳄等。水族馆最出彩的部分是水獭池,游客可以一睹美国淡水水獭在水面上下的优雅身姿和令人放松的互动。




Maymont 儿童农场。


四月到九月: 10am-7pm

Nature and Visitor Center/自然及游客中心
2201 Shields Lake Drive, Richmond, VA, 23220







Victorian Estate with lawns, mansions, gardens, farms and a nature center, also has experiences and event offerings.

Maymont landscape, viewing from Nature and Visitor Center.

Maymont landscape, viewing from Nature and Visitor Center.

“Maymont was given to us by James and Sallie Dooley, who lived here from 1893 through 1925. They wanted Maymont to be preserved so that new generations could enjoy it as much as they did. Whether strolling through the gardens, touring the mansion, watching river otters play, petting a goat or picnicking on the lawn, Maymont is a gift of 100 acres for all to enjoy.”


The Victorian estate Maymont is one of the best preserved and maintained public park complexes in Richmond, Virginia. Located next to William Byrd Park and Carillon Neighborhood, Maymont is one of the jewelries in the green bands of James River running across Richmond City. Maymont has large lawns, mansions, gardens, stone roads and bridges that are preserved from the beginnings. It also hosts wildlife exhibits, a Children’s farm, and a Nature & Visitor center, as the additional attractions built later on. Other than being a popular destination for sightseeing, walking and sitting, Maymont also provides opportunities for outdoor weddings, birthday parties, educational tours, animal encounters and family events. Maymont is a versatile leisure and recreational place for Richmonders, and a must-see for visitors.


Japanese garden, rocks and canals,

Japanese garden, rocks and canals,

Maymont has more than 10 themed gardens of varying scales, with the highlight of them being the Japanese Garden and the Italian Garden. In the southern lower land of the estate, under a hill waterfall and before James River lies the Japanese garden. Built in 1911, the garden offers classical Japanese elements including a large waterfall, a koi pond, a pergola, rock gardens, small canals and red maple trees. When they are combined with the surrounding temperate broadleaf trees, bamboos and the warm-colored northern American sunlight, a unique aura floats around the place. The leafy grounds, floating stone lanterns, peaceful waters, kois, and American geese are combined to create a scrolling scenery, making the garden a unique mix between East and West in aesthetic. It is a beautiful retreat for meditation and relaxation year round. Connecting the Japanese garden and overlooking James River, the Italian garden locates in the upper side of the waterfall hills. The Italian garden is well-designed both architecturally and botanically. The long pergola covered by roses and vines is shaped after the garden styles of Rome. In different ground levels, domestic and exotic plants are blooming in urns, flower beds and floors, sewing lively and seasonal ground patterns. The exotic plant examples include enkianthus, larches, lavenders and ironwoods. The Italian garden is a hotspot for outdoor wedding, while everyone can enjoy the sunlight and vegetations in this openfield garden. Maymont also have several smaller gardens and gazebos. Some of them grow vegetables and fruits for children to play and learn, and some others are themed after butterflies, herbs and sunflowers.



The Nature and Visitor Center, located in the north side of Maymont, is the entrance, information center, and gift shop of the estate. It is the recommended entrance for first time visitors. It also hosts a small but robust aquarium exhibiting inhabitants in the waters and lands of the James River and the Chesapeake Bay system. The animals include turtles, fishes, crabs, frogs and alligators, with the highlight of them being the river otters living in the largest tank. The visitors can admire the fluid movements of the otters above and beneath water, with their cute, soothing and relaxing interactions.


Birthday party!

Birthday party!

For families and animal lovers, the children’s farm and the wildlife exhibition are exciting attractions, additional to the gardens and plants. The farm host a collection of common poultries and livestock, including chickens, ducks, rabbits, goats, sheeps, pigs, cows, horses, and donkey. They are well-tempered, and close encounters between them and visitors are common. The wildlife exhibition is a nearby enclosed area where the estate settles some rescued animals, including American bisons, black beers, foxes and hawks. For cat lovers, the exhibition also has a tamed bobcat available for close encounters.

Maymont Children's Farm




April-September, 10am-7pm
October-March, 10am-5pm
Free admission

Nature and Visitor Center
2201 Shields Lake Drive, Richmond, VA, 23220





Belle Isle

Belle Isle river bank with train passing.

Belle Isle is an uninhabited island on the shallow beds of James River. It hosted a village and a prison during the Civil War, and hosted a hydroelectric power plant in the 20th century until 1963. Now, being owned by the state, Belle Isle serves as a scenic city park with wildlife in its natural habitat, as a location only a few minutes away from the heart of downtown Richmond city. The island is open to pedestrian and bicycle traffic via a suspension footbridge that runs under the Robert E. Lee Bridge from the northern shore of the James. Except when the water level of the James River is high, Belle Isle is also reachable by foot from the southern shore via easy boulder-hopping. From Belle Isle, people can observe Browns Island, Hollywood Cemetery, Forest Hill park, the old Tredegar Iron Works, and Richmond City's skyline. Belle Isle has several bike and foot trails around the island, with many old and ruined buildings, among other run-down sites and railways along the trails.

The suspension bridge entrance.

The suspension bridge entrance.

Because Belle Isle contains enough vegetation, without the interference of constant human activities, the island is home to several wildlife, an uncommon presence within the city's borders. Songbirds, ducks, cormorants and blue herons are a common sight. Squirrels, other small mammals, amphibians and reptiles also inhabit the island. Belle Isle is a great place for safe weekend getaways and outdoor adventures. Popular activities of adults and youths alike include walking the trails, swimming in the James River, rock jumping, sunbathing, birdwatching, kayaking and rafting in the James, and boulder-top picnicking only feet away from fierce rapids.

Belle Isle is close to the open, grassy Browns Island as another city park. Browns Island offers industrial structures and waterway views, historical sites (the old Tredegar Iron Works, now Virginia Civil War Center), walking paths, and concerts. The yearly Richmond Folk Music Festival takes places here. The scenic T. Tyler Potterfield Pedestrian Bridge connects Browns Island to the southbank of James River. The pedestrian bridge runs alongside with the remains of the old Mayo bridge from the Civil War era. The southbank of James River also provides connection to Bells Isle when the water level is not high. These two islands, bridges and historical sites function as a recreational and educational complex, as part of the James River Park system, and the crown of Richmond city.

Richmond, old and new.

Richmond, old and new.

Views from Browns Island:

Open 365 days a year.
8:30 am – 9:30 pm (summer)
8:30 am – 5:30 pm (winter)

Address (Browns Island, access to Belle Isle via suspension bridge)
S 7th St, Richmond, VA 23219

Bells Isle:
Browns Island: